Tom Turner pix01

Snapshots from Tom Turner (SN 64-66)

May 2011 update:
Paul Althouse (LTjg 64-66) remembers that
this boxing match on the 01 deck was part of our
shipboard recreation when we were in Muscat,
Sultanate of Oman in September 1965.
(There was no liberty in Muscat, but on one
day the Bo'snmates with the motorwhaleboat
shuttled a number of us down the coast to an
Embassy (U.S.?) beach club for a couple of
hours of R & R.).

Canopy over ASROC launcher might have been
to keep the missiles cool! There also was a large
American flag across the top of the launcher as,
even back then, there were concerns about
warplanes from certain middle east countries.

Left to right:
_______, _______, ______(seated),
Tom Turner (SN 64-66) behind chair, ______,
__________boxer on left,
John W. "Spook" Lynch (BM3 64-65)
is the boxer on right delivering a left,
James F. Shoemaker (EM3 63-??),
John R. Kelley (EM2 63-67),
James M. Bauer (EM2 64-66),
Paul Z. Cummins (LT 65-66) uncovered!! is
coming down ladder).

E-MAIL this page author.
if you can help with the IDs.

Was this the delivery of the fueling hose during an
"astern" refueling operation with a commercial
tanker in the Arabian Gulf (9/65)? The hose went
into the forward fuel trunk and the operation took
about 3 hours because fuel had to be pumped aft.

Transfer of observers between DD-710 and USS Becuna SS-319 on August 27, 1965.
Motor whaleboat is to left of the sub.