Don Provost pix02
Copies of slides from Don Provost, 1964-67...(#'s 4-6)

DASH flies... on the homeward bound leg of the 1966-1967 Med. cruise.
Thanks to Ron Donofrio (EN3, 66-68) for providing the IDs:
(L to R) Henry Suckfull (ET), Ens. Gene Cragg, Ltjg Dave Flynn,
Skyles "Pappy" Infinger EN1, Ron Donofrio is aiming a camera at the far right.

Entering a port in the Med. in late 1964. BWAD, NKHI and desig H are flying.
L to R: LT Kieth LeClerq Comdesron 20 staff officer, harbor pilot, CDR James W. Martin, Commanding Officer,
LTjg Harry T. Grace (behind the voice tube), QMSN R. P. Hull, unidentified phone talker, RDSN George D. Ackroyd
Erik Pachter (RD3 65-66) has helped with these ID's. E-Mail page author if you can help identify.