by Chaplain E. L. Boyette - January 1965 So, with this scene our cruise doth end. And now the Poet must grasp his pen, With humble'd words our thoughts to blend, Of Home again, of home again. We set to sail, the Seas to soar. Through storm and calm from shore to shore. With much to see, and much to know; Yet, thoughts, return as evermo'ore, Of Home again, of home again. To sea again, we'll happily go- As only men who sail can know. Our hearts will sing, as spray doth fly; A ship alive with creak and sigh. Yet o'er it all, our hearts will yearn, Of Home again, of home again. |
WE ARE A DESTROYER NAMED GEARING by Captain Alfred C. Leis - June 1968 We are a destroyer named Gearing, And we know that we've been quite endearing. While its fun to deploy, It's a definite joy Now that finally westward we're steering. There were Dawn Patrol, FLAPEX and SPECOPS, And more frequently plane guard for flight ops. SSMEX were various, All-night UNREPS hilarious, But now H, M and M will be tops. To the planners we just have to say, That your hard work was clear every day. Operations were planned With a fine Irish hand; Even weather was handled tre gras. We'll remember with greatest affection The tabs that provided direction. The events were diverse, Their directions were terse; (By the way where's the latest correction?) And we're grateful to all we confess, Who gave spare parts and tech aid and, yes, Though we stayed on the line, Teamwork helped all the time- That's the secret of Sixth Fleet success! As we sail for the broad ocean deep, We've a new high speed hurdle to leap. Since we've missed not a day We're now happy to say, "Event 2759 will be sleep!" |