31 photos taken during 1963-1964 by Rich Packey (TM2 63-65).
Most were during the 1963 Med. cruise.
If you can help with the captions, email Don Provost

Captain Lyons
Commander Thomas W. Lyons skippered USS Gearing from July 27 1962 to July 30 1964.

Rich Packey (TM2 63-65), Leo Ferguson (GMM2 62-65)

Leo Ferguson (GMM2 62-65), S. M. Mylenki (TM3 63-65)

DASH hangar guard: Leo Ferguson (GMM2 62-65)

ASW Department on the quarterdeck watch: LT John E. Pursley (64-66),
Rich Packey (TM2 63-65), J. Aceto (SN). Messenger is believed to be Parker (FTGSN).
 J. Aceto (SN)

Alongside USS Boston CAG-1

That looks like the USS Harry E. Yarnell DLG-17 alongside the USS Nitro AE-23.

On a ski trip to Auron, France
_______, J. H. Sides ADJ1, S. M. Mylenki TM3, George Moehle FTG3, Rich Packey TM3.

Ship's company putting on a party on the pier at LaSpezia, Italy.
Montesanto is on the guitar.

DASH operations. Rich Packey recalls... "Notice ice on deck. I remember almost going over the side due to ice. I ended up in the nets."

Barrett(?), N. A. Sorensen BM3, Montesanto, Delgado, Romeito.