Bill Latta pix01

2 great photos from from the collection of Bill Latta, PC3, 1965-67

DD-710 enters the smallboat harbor of the Principality of Monaco on November 18, 1965.
(Given the narrow harbor entrance, the photographer was probably hoping to photograph a wreck and sell even more pictures.) Gearing became the host ship for the port visit at the last minute. The British cruiser HMS Tiger, complete with admiral, had to anchor offshore when they decided their ship was too large for the harbor. Captain Martin brought DD-710 through the breakwater, turned 180 degrees and med-moored, with no pilot and no tugs.
2005 update: The size of Monaco harbor is being doubled by the construction of a new floating outer breakwater, due for completion in 2007. Large cruise ships will soon be able to tie up. CLICK HERE for a website and info from one of the contractors.

Safely med-moored with stern made fast to a cable, Gearing was, for five days, at the center of everything, including Monaco's National Day celebration and the world's largest (then) fireworks display. Princess Grace and Prince Rainier appeared at a number of events. Our motor whaleboat ferried more than 300 visitors to the ship for tours.
(Captions to Bill Latta's photos were added by Don Provost, Ltjg, 1964-1967.)